MMIX is an art and cultural activity non-profit corporation. We are involved in a variety of art projects, as well as holding workshops in cooperation with domestic and international artists, creators, people who are involved in art/culture, welfare and NPO for city planning.
■Main projects
“Art Inclusion (Ai)” http://art-in.org
Art + welfare + city planning
Barrier-free art project
“Ultra-Gakkou (UG) Project” http://blog.livedoor.jp/sendaix
Sending artists to the art experience workshop at school
■MMIX Lab The articles of association (purpose and activities)
This corporation is free from the framework of established art. We are involved in creative art acts with uniting various media and connecting art and regional cultures.
Also, we aim to form a social system as new public with cooperating with the citizens, the enterprise and the administration as art NPO with the characteristic of a social enterprise to do high, well-known and continuous activities.
1. Planning, management and support business of various projects concerning art and culture
2. Sending of specialists or producing business concerning art and culture
3. Promotion and talent promotion business concerning art and culture
4. Information receiving and sending business concerning art and culture
5. Investigation research business concerning art and culture
6. Policy recommendation and advisory business concerning art and culture
7. Coordinated association businesses of domestic and international NPO, enterprise or the administration concerning art and culture
8. Talent excavation, promotion and work support for handicapped people through artistic and cultural activities
9. Promotion business for city planning through artistic and cultural activities
10. Environment preservation business through artistic and cultural activities
11. Business that accompanies or relates to ones stated above
■MMIX Lab members (As of March 2011)
Representative and Planner: Takashi Murakami
Associate Professor, Miyagi University of Education
Advisor: Sachiko Kanno
Program Coordinator, The Japan Foundation Information Center
Advisor and auditor: Fukujiro Shiroki
Chief director, Specified Nonprofit Corporation: Hop no Mori
Sub-chief director in Japan, Approved Specified Nonprofit Corporation
Advisor: Mikiya Taniguchi
Associate Professor, Kyushu Women’s University
Advisor: Ken-ichi Nagata
Professor, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Advisor: Setsuko Fukano
Sub-chief director, Specified Nonprofit Corporation: Hop no Mori
Project manager: Megumi Fukuma
Advisor: Masami Yoshioka
Artist, Gallerist
Advisor: Luna Vicente
EU public relations officer (TV & Digital media), Delegation of the European Union to Japan
Fellow and publicity: Atsushi Kadowaki
Contemporary Artist
Representative, Atsushi Kadowaki town and art research center